By Acty, September 27, 2013
Current version – 1.0 (see Change log at the bottom of this page) | Online Documentation
Puzzles is an up-to-date theme for WordPress with great opportunities. When you install our theme on your website, it won’t be looking the way other websites do.
What are the main features of the theme Puzzles? In the first place, it is flexible system of setup for the entire blog, for each of its categories and even every single post or page. In the blog, each of the post has its own style. If you want to remove the sidebar, move it to the left, replace the sidebar (select another sidebar with its own set of widgets), as well as perform lots of other useful settings – you will be able to do it easily for each category, page or post!
One more peculiarity of our theme is an unlimited number of sidebars, that you can easily create or delete in the Theme Options.
Each post can be turned into Review. Simply specify rating criteria in Theme Options and they will be become available for every post. Besides, if you do not give any rating to the post – it will become a regular post, if you do – Review is ready!
You can create your own sets of criteria for each category. Even your visitors will have a chance to participate in evaluation. Any visitor of your website on the page of material will be able to take a look at the rating from the post’s author, average rating from other visitors, as well as they themselves can vote. Widget «Top 10» will help you display the best materials both in author’s opinion and by the results of user’s vote.
For your website to look more unique, in the Theme Options (for your readers it would be Customize Options Pop-up) you will be able to change the background color, as well as to select the pattern or background image.
Even more effective is an option to choose color scheme (theme) for main body of the page and each sidebar (independently from each other). You can do it once in the theme’s settings, as well as you can set any combinations literally for each category, post or page!
You can easily create your own new designs for the theme! 15-20 minutes – and new theme is ready! Your website can always be fresh, bright, and it won’t look like any other.
This theme is fully-responsive. You can take a look by shrinking your browser size while looking at the demo. If viewing on a mobile device make sure to close the ThemeForest iframe bar at the top in order to see the theme in it’s responsive format!
All images/illustrations are for preview purposes only and are not included in the download files.
25.09.2013 Version 1.0 – Release