
Collabo – Marketplace Collaboration System (Help and Support Tools)

By Acty, February 24, 2014

Collabo is a system that is used for collaboration with partners on items you are selling on Envato marketplaces. The basic functionality is to check periodically for sales using Envato API and split the sales of products to your collaborators.

Collabo also acts as basic payment request ticketing system where your parther can issue withdrawal tickets and you can then guide them through the whole money withdrawal process.



Login information

Admin account
email: demo@demo.com
pass: password

User account
email: user@demo.com
pass: password


  1. User management system
  2. Payment request ticket system
  3. Product details loaded from Envato
  4. Automaticly updating new sales
  5. Notification emails
  6. Easy instalation process guide
  7. Extensive application security

Collabo is build with Yii framework and it is using PHP scripting language. So you will need a PHP server to run Collabo.