
Woocommerce Spin a Sales (Marketing)

By Acty, October 31, 2017

  • Dramatically grow your email list and boost sales.
  • Increase your signup conversion rates to levels you’ve never seen before.
  • Lead generation on steroids. World first interactive exit intent pop-up that makes the customer feel special. They spin, you win.

How does it work?

The Woocommerce Spin a Sale overlay displays a special prize wheel for visitors that you can fully configure. When visitors enter their email address, the prize wheel spins and they win a random discount. Woocommerce Spin a Sale can be fully customized so you can specify the exact discounts you’d like to provide customers and how often each discount is provided.

Woocommerce Spin a Sale subscribers are more likely to use their coupon code since the discount is won instead of simply handed out in exchange for their email address.


Check out: http://spincoupons.plantthemes.net for a live demo.