3in1- 404 Not Found HTML Responsive Animated Pages (404 Pages)

By Acty, October 3, 2013

It is for the very first time that you will see a carousel and animated scenery on any 404 Error Page. So, in case of any inconvenience, you can make a polite excuse to the viewers/users with taste and style. This clean, dynamic and super responsive 404 Error Page template is furnished with as many as 3 unique and highly attractive layouts that you can find nowhere else. In other such templates, usually, there is only one layout. So amazingly, it also contains: advanced animations; mesmerizing slider; beautiful CarouFredSel carousel; social media buttons; main menu bar items; a search bar; and so many eye-catching background patterns.

  • 5 unique and attractive layouts
  • Advanced and delightful animations (unique on each of the 5 layouts)
  • 18 unique and pleasing background patterns
  • CarouFredSel carousel
  • Cross browser compatibility
  • Validated HTML5
  • Font Awesome icons
  • Super responsive
  • Easy, simple and powerful customization options
  • Easily To Customize
  • Super flexibility
  • Main Menu Bar items
  • Social media icons integrated in the template
  • Provision of a search bar on each layout