
AS3 multilist pager scroller, android and iOS (Mobile)

By Acty, January 29, 2014

Files Included:


  • four sample projects showing how to use the class in your Air projects
  • .as (source codes)
  • asDoc type Documentation
  • </ui>

    You surely have seen the Google Play app on Android or even the Twitter App, right? Switching between different lists and then to be able to scroll each list to see the items inside it, is a very user friendly way of showing content to your users isn’t it?

    MultiList is an absolutely abstract class which lets you create dynamic and resizable lists. When I say the class is abstract, it means that it is extended from EventDispatcher so it has actually no DisplayObject inside it. This feature enables you to use this class in many different scenarios. If you are building in Starling framework, you will be able to use the class the same way you would work with it in normal Air projects! The class will take care of all the calculations and animations for you so you don’t need to spend time building your own.

    Check out the demo sample and you will know how it works :)